
Toei Shinyaku Acquires Patent for Measurement Method of Beta-glucan, a Main Ingredient of Agaricus blazei mushroom

2022年08月12日 PM12:45



Through its research on Agaricus blazei, KA21 strain, Toei Shinyaku has established a measurement method for beta-glucan, one of the main ingredients of Agaricus blazei. In light of this achievement, we acquired a patent for Japan. As the manufacturer of Agaricus blazei, Toei Shinyaku has conducted research on Agaricus blazei, KA21 strain for over 25 years and presented 32 international papers on its findings; making it the company with the greatest research results out of all Japanese Agaricus blazei manufacturers.

About Agaricus blazei, brasiliensis, subrufescens

Agaricus blazei (also known as Agaricus blazei Murill, A. brasiliensis, A. subrufescens) is a medicinal mushroom. It is popular primarily in Asian countries (particularly Japan) as an ingredient of immune booster used in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Characteristics of Agaricus blazei such as safety and effectiveness vary significantly depending on the strain, cultivation method, and production region.

Agaricus KA21 (Common name: King Agaricus)

Agaricus KA21 is Agaricus blazei KA21 strain cultivated outdoors in Brazil under direct sunlight. Compared to regular Agaricus blazei cultivated in a dark greenhouse, Agaricus KA21 is large in size, contains an abundance of major ingredients such as beta-glucan and vitamin D, and offers an antioxidant activity level over five times greater. Outdoor cultivation is extremely difficult with small yield, therefore Agaricus KA21 is a rare commodity. Toei Shinyaku is the sole company in the world that sells it.

Toei Shinyaku Co.,Ltd.

Established in 1973, Toei Shinyaku is a Japanese manufacturer that specializes in R&D activities, as well as the manufacture and sale of Agaricus KA21. Toei Shinyaku has conducted research on Agaricus KA21 for over 25 years and presented 32 international papers on its findings; making it the company with the greatest research results out of all Japanese Agaricus blazei manufacturers. Toei Shinyaku discloses evidence supporting its product, Agaricus KA21, on its official homepage. Details include the safety of human clinical trials of Agaricus KA21, ability to strengthen the immune system, alleviate fatigue, improve hair loss and gray hair, and prevent fungal infection. Data also includes the effect of Agaricus KA21 found through trials on mice; such as reducing side effects of anticancer drugs, hair growth benefits, and enhanced wound healing.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220807005049/en/


Toei Shinyaku Co.,Ltd.

Akitomo Motoi


Cross-Border EC website: www.toeishinyaku.jp

For business inquiry including wholesales and OEM: www.agaricus.co.jp

Main Products: Akkerman Slim etc.


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