
Nichi GLOW:来自日本的β-葡聚糖在自闭症谱系障碍儿童的临床研究中改善了行为、睡眠和肠道微生物群

2022年03月15日 PM04:16



(美国商业资讯)–发表在BMJ Neurology Open (http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjno-2021-000203)上的开创性研究发现,自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童在口服黑酵母菌AFO-202菌株产生的Beta 1,3 -1,6葡聚糖(Nichi GLOW)后,行为、学习技能和睡眠状况均有改善。据报道,Nichi GLOW还可对肠道微生物群进行有益重组,其来源、生产方法和纯度都与其他β葡聚糖不同。

本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220313005038/zh-CN/

Improvement of learning and communication skills, sleep pattern and sleep quality beside peer interaction were the major changes observed in a clinical study after a 90-day consumption of Nichi GLOW beta glucan food supplement, according to the parents of study participants. One of them demonstrated his reading, writing and mathematical skills in a follow-up consulting with Dr Raghavan, developmental pediatrician & neurologist. ß-glucans considered clearing aggregated alpha-synuclein by enhancing NK cells & as a prebiotic, control enterobacteria, a cause of the disease, thus may have potentials in tackling neurological illnesses involving gut microbiome-dysbiosis. Nichi GLOW, a safe food supplement, which does not contain any allergens are worth larger clinical studies of longer follow-up in different populations to validate as an adjunct to conventional treatment in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative illnesses, as gut microbiota varies with food habits also, said Dr Raghavan. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Improvement of learning and communication skills, sleep pattern and sleep quality beside peer interaction were the major changes observed in a clinical study after a 90-day consumption of Nichi GLOW beta glucan food supplement, according to the parents of study participants. One of them demonstrated his reading, writing and mathematical skills in a follow-up consulting with Dr Raghavan, developmental pediatrician & neurologist. ß-glucans considered clearing aggregated alpha-synuclein by enhancing NK cells & as a prebiotic, control enterobacteria, a cause of the disease, thus may have potentials in tackling neurological illnesses involving gut microbiome-dysbiosis. Nichi GLOW, a safe food supplement, which does not contain any allergens are worth larger clinical studies of longer follow-up in different populations to validate as an adjunct to conventional treatment in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative illnesses, as gut microbiota varies with food habits also, said Dr Raghavan. (Graphic: Business Wire)

自闭症是一种神经发育障碍。在发达国家中,每44个儿童中就有一个受其影响。自闭症有多种病因,表现出的严重程度也各不相同。罹患自闭症的儿童在随后的生活中更有可能患上神经退行性疾病。在该研究中,摄入Nichi GLOW改善了CARS得分和沟通能力(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reJOjBMKSg4)。Nichi GLOW能够控制肠杆菌,这种肠道微生物群会产生形如纤维(curli)和淀粉样纤维(amyloid)的有害蛋白质,导致α-突触核蛋白在神经元中错误折叠和堆积,成为致病因素(https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.10.26.21265505)。主要研究者Raghavan博士表示,突触核蛋白病通过肠道-脑轴扩散到大脑,可能会导致帕金森病或阿尔茨海默病,因此,Nichi葡聚糖系列产品对神经退行性疾病的预防作用值得研究,其在大脑中的作用机制之一是激活小胶质细胞(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jns.2021.117554)。

这些发现在自闭症周日(Autism Sunday) (https://www.ncrmniche.org/autismsunday2022/proceedings/index.html)活动相关的网络研讨会上被公布。自闭症周日活动由旨在纪念Jesuit Antonyraj的高级康复和教育跨学科中心(JAICARE)举办。科学家们评论称,在日本进行的研究揭开了这种ß-葡聚糖的隐藏潜力(https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.05.21261640);由于日本的健康生态系统有助于开发新型解决方案,再加上GN公司遍布全球的跨学科医疗保健专业知识网络,才使这一突破性的成果成为可能。 https://sponsored.bloomberg.com/article/jco/japan-where-high-tech-meets-high-value-foreign-direct-investment

Nichi葡聚糖系列产品于1996年在日本作为食品添加剂获得批准。它们不含任何普遍已知的过敏原。这种独一无二在葡聚糖产品作为一种胞外多糖在日本GMP认证的设施内通过新型的黑酵母菌菌株生产,并以Nichi-GLOW、Neu-REFIX、Nichi Glucan和Nichi Glucan-REFIX等品牌远销海外。该系列产品并非用于诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病,在各国的批准情况可能不同。对于具体健康问题,请咨询医师意见。


在 businesswire.com 上查看源版本新闻稿: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220313005038/zh-CN/


Samuel JK Abraham




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